π‹πˆππ‡π€π‘πƒπ“ π•πŽπ π‡π„π•π‘πˆππ† β€” secondary.
from fire emblem: three houses

i. basics.

name. linhardt von hevring.
nicknames. hevring heir, lin, linny.
age. 17-22.
birthday. 7th of the red wolf moon / 7th of november.
gender. demiboy, he/they.
sexuality. bi.
class. gremory.

ii. appearance.

eyes. navy blue.
skin. pale.
hair. seaweed green, shoulder length.
height. 5'7"ft. / 175cm.
form. lanky.
clothing. ultramarineform robes over a white undershirt, adorned with jewelry and golden accents.
details. always ties parts of his hair into a messy bun with a white ribbon. pointy features allover. rings under the eyes.

iii. personality/history.

linhardt is the heir of house hevring, his father being the minister of domestic affairs. he was sent to garreg mach in hopes of him becoming a warrior, but linhardt thinks his father a foolβ€” he loathes war and everything it entails.

linhardt, at his core, is a sleepy scholar studying the science of crests. he prefers to spend his day lazing around rather than doing work. while coming off aloof and sometimes selfish at first, he cares deeply about his friends and helps them if they're truly in need.

iv. verses.

i. without naps. linhardt's main verse, taking place during the war. who he's aligned with in this verse may vary depending on who i interact with ! usually, i'll revert to verdant wind, since that's the route i'm most familiar with.

ii. garreg mach. linhardt's time as a student who studies nothing.

iii. soak up the sun. linhardt's verse for after the war.

iv. under the stars. linhardt's awakening verse. studying under libra, linhardt is a war monk that joins the ranks of the sheperds during their attempt to save emmeryn.

v. a blind eye. linhardt's fire emblem: heroes verse. summoned alongside his friends, linhardt reluctantly fights for the kingdom of askr.

vi. the sight of it. linhardt's dnd verse. as a half-elf that abandoned his title as noble, linhardt travels the lands of faerΓ»n with his friends, a cleric of the peace domain.

vii. angelica tea. linhardt's modern fantasy verse. he studies crests at university and "works" as a part-time librarian.

viii. dormouse. linhardt's pandora hearts verse. as an heir of the nightray household and dormouse's legal contractor, linhardt works alongside oz to continue his brother elliot's legacy.

π‚πŽπ‘πƒπ„π‹πˆπ€ β€” primary.
from fire emblem: awakening

i. basics.

name. cordelia.
age. 24 after the war with plegia, 26 when the war with valm starts.
birthday. 7th of the blue sea moon / 7th of july.
gender. cis woman, she/her.
sexuality. lesbian.
class. falcon knight, a promoted pegasus knight.

ii. appearance.

eyes. bright red.
skin. pale.
hair. bright red, straight hair that goes below her thighs.
height. 6'2"ft. / 190cm.
form. lean.
clothing. white armor over a red dress and riding boots.
details. two wing accessoires behind her ears. built arms, shoulders and thighs.

iii. personality/history.

cordelia is a seemingly perfect human being. she's beautiful, she's kind, she's strong, she masters everything she does. people call her a genius and tease her for being a perfectionistβ€” both things that don't match up with her own perception of herself.

being called a genius never made cordelia feel better about herself. in fact, it made her feel like an outcast to her peers, never an equal. she has low self-esteem that she tries to make up for by working, often past her limit. she has a hard time dealing with her problems and an even harder time letting other people help her.

cordelia’s role model is the legendary pegasus knight who fought alongside the first exalt. just like them, she wants to have the courage of a demon, the heart of an angel. it’s an ambiguous goal she doesn’t dare to tell anybody. her strive towards idealism is her biggest strength and biggest weakness.

she suffers from survivor's guilt, due to her pegasus knight squad sacrificing themselves so she could escape from the border and warn the exalt about incoming attacks. cordelia vowed her strength to chromβ€” protecting him is her first responsibility.

(ππŽπ“π„: my cordelia is a lesbian. her crush on chrom was a form of compulsive heterosexuality, which is something she recognized and moved past. there will be little to no mentions of it in my writing.)

iv. verses.

i. plighted cunning. cordelia's main verse, taking place during the war with valm. as part of the shepherds, cordelia does everything she can to protect the royal family and her friends.

ii. fire-eyed maid. cordelia's fire emblem: three houses verse. as the adopted daughter of a noble house within the holy kingdom of faerghus, cordelia is a highly motivated student of garreg mach. her dream of becoming a legendary pegasus knight remains the same in this verse. she sides with dimitri post-timeskip.

iii. grim-visaged. cordelia's fire emblem: heroes verse. summoned alongside her friends, cordelia puts her everything into defending a kingdom foreign to her.

iv. exalted. cordelia's modern verse. she's a pilot! the company she works for is named exalt, which goes by the slogan β€œwe elevate you”. when not flying, she spends her time going to the gym, walking her dog ophelia, or going to gay bars with her friends.

π†π€π‘π‘π˜ π–π„πˆπ’π’ β€” tertiary.
from the pixel horror rpg ib

i. basics.

name. garry weiss.
age. 27.
birthday. september 19th.
gender. demigirl, she/her.
sexuality. bi.

ii. appearance.

eyes. light lilac.
skin. pale.
hair. soft lavender locks that go to her chin.
height. 5'9"ft. / 180cm.
form. tall and skinny.
clothing. usually wearing a tattered coat over whatever outfit she picked that day.
details. with black roots, her hair covers her left eye. carries a lighter.

iii. personality/history.

garry has always been a soft-spoken, gentle soul. growing up sheltered, with barely any contact to the outside world, garry was thrust into an environment foreign to her when her parents died at an early age. she struggles with insecurity and anxiety in her everyday interactions.

the gallery was both a nightmare and a wake-up call for her. taking care of ib gave her a purpose, despite her own turmoilβ€” now, she had somebody to protect, somebody to watch over. after struggling to escape the fabricated world together, garry felt that she had to do more with her life.

nowadays, she's a baker by trade, working in the french bakery la vie en rose. in her free time, she makes sure to take care of and challenge herself as much as possible; while living a solitary life, she's always looking to make more connections.

however, the events that took place in the gallery still haunt her. she knows nobody would believe her if she were to tell them, so all of it is a secret she's certain she'll keep forever.

iv. verses.

i. promise of reunion. garry's main verse, taking place after the promise of reunion ending. she and ib still meet up regularly. otherwise, garry lives a quiet, solitary life, trying to heal from the experiences she carried with her from the gallery.

ii. forgotten portrait. garry's verse for the forgotten portrait ending. after succumbing to her wounds, she's no longer a human beingβ€” now a part of the gallery, she greets whoever finds their way down below.

π€π‹π€π’π“πŽπ‘ β€” primary.
fandomless original character

i. basics.

name. alastor.
age. physically 23, mentally unknown.
birthday. he picks a random day each year.
gender. trans man, he/him.
sexuality. pan.

ii. appearance.

eyes. cloudy grey.
skin. brown.
hair. snow white, straight hair that goes to his chin.
height. 5'3"ft. / 164cm.
form. short and skinny.
clothing. a black sweater over a white shirt with jeans.
details. an abundance of rings on each hand. his irises are dilated and fixed, never changing form. no pulse rings from his heart.

iii. personality/history.

alastor doesn't remember dying.

but he knows he's dead. food doesn't taste like anything anymore. his body, often physical, can become spectral at his beck and call. most of the time, he hovers a few inches above the ground, gravity no longer linked to his essence. he forgets things. all the time. forgets to speak, forgets to breathe, forgets to feel. everything is duller and numb. he knows he's dead.

he figures it was the grim reaper, messing his soul up on the way to the afterlife. instead of cutting the string and getting it over with, parts of him remained in the world of the living. so, here he stays.

it's not too much of a bother. he's still here, after all. with all of his memories of a life before death gone, he spends his days merely existing. most of the time, he doesn't tell people that he's deadβ€” it would freak them out. and with his own emotions gone, buried in some graveyard he forgot existed, those emotions would wash over him like a wave, clinging to his soul. it's too much of a hassle.

but every now and then, somebody is trustworthy enough. every now and then, he latches onto somebody, and gives them what little is left of his love. it happens more often than he thought.

iv. powers/abilities.

emotional transfer. alastor's emotions are a distant, malleable thing. when around other people, he picks up on their moods, his soul mirroring the emotions of others at all times. because of this, he tends to avoid big crowds and tries to keep to himself.

spectral form. his body can go from a pure soul, invisible to the naked eye, impossible to touch, to a physical body like any other. more specifically, a dead body like any other. he doesn't need to eat, breathe or sleep, though he does like to take the occasional nap.

floating. as the title says, gravity no longer matters to him. he can float at any height, wherever and whenever he wants, without any limitations.

short-term memory. everything is happening all at once, and alastor never knows what it is. he'll forget things often, though never the foundations of his interactions with other people. time, however, is nullified to him, no longer relevant, and changes all the time.

v. verses.

i. drowning out the morning birds. alastor's main verse. this can be applied to pretty much any fandomβ€” he's a ghost, wandering the lands, trying to make the best out of his halfhearted existence, making friends and taking naps.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 ππ€π”πƒπ„π‹π€πˆπ‘π„ β€” primary.
fandomless original character

i. basics.

name. beau june baudelaire.
age. 28.
birthday. january 20th.
gender. cis man, he/him.
sexuality. bi.

ii. appearance.

eyes. bright blue.
skin. pale.
hair. inky black locks that go to his shoulders.
height. 6'ft. / 182cm.
form. built, tall.
clothing. usually a tailored suit.
details. burn marks that go across his entire left arm, up to his left cheek. makes sure to cover them at all times. constantly wears white gloves.

iii. personality/history.
(trigger warning: fire, alcohol, smoking.)

adopted by canadian parents at the age of sixteen, beau spent most of his early life jumping from one foster family to the next. at the time of his adoption, most of the mental damage had already been done. beau was an unwanted, angry child that didn't know how to handle the newfound love given to him by his parents.

at the age of twelve, he survived a house fire caused by himself. it left him with severe burn scars and ptsd that went undiagnosed and untreated until he was adopted.

unable to deal with his emotional baggage, beau remained aggressive and reserved for a long time. with the help of years of therapy, alongside a supportive big sibling, he slowly learned to open up and process his emotions, as well as the traumatic things that happened in his past.

nowadays, beau is a self-employed bodyguard, who does his best to support and protect people in need. he works through his ptsd and borderline diagnoses in weekly therapy, as well as his alcohol and cigarette use. while still emotionally constipated, he's slightly more open to building relationships with others, hiding his awkwardness with plain arrogance. in his free time, he works out, visits bars and buys more plants.

iv. verses.

i. lined with stars. beau's main verse, working as a bodyguard in a modern world.

ii. heart as a galaxy. beau's fantasy verse. as an oath of devotion paladin, he travels the lands and helps whoever he comes across however he can.

iii. pick a god and pray. beau's fire emblem: awakening verse. beau is the second generation child of frederick, age 19. growing up in the shadow of his father, beau collected his fair share of an inferiority complex coupled with stubbornness and anger. much like his father he’s striving to be a knight, a right hand man to lucina, but always feels like he’s falling short to some degree. frederick tried to teach him whatever he could in their time together, uniting discipline with talent, but died before beau could be knighted officially. returning to a timeline before his father’s death, beau puts his everything into catching up on what he thinks he missed, failing to face the trauma of losing his parents at a young age.

iv. a bad time to die. beau's fire emblem: three houses verse. born a commoner, beau was adopted by the noble house baudelaire of the leicester alliance. without any title to claim as his own, beau tries his hardest to perform beyond expectations at the officer’s academy. as the only heir of his parents, he burdens himself unnecessarily, trying to build up the baudelaire name.

v. blight of conquest and lies. beau's fire emblem: fates verse. beau is a songstress who was picked up by the opera in cyrkensia after years of living in homelessness alongside his brother antoine. within the opera, he wears a mask that covers the burnt, left side of his face and is addressed as 'phantom'. when his life is threatened after the assassination attempt on king garon, he joins corrin's army in hopes of building a better life for himself and his sibling.

vi. all good devils masquerade. beau, a mundane who has gained consciousness of the supernatural world early into his life as an orphan, nowadays acts as part of the dawnbreakersβ€” a group of people who have taken it upon themselves to get rid of each and every supernatural threat to humanity. working with strict rulings and other magical means, beau has been a dawnbreaker for a long time until he, eventually, gets an apprentice: elliot lovelace. (closed w/ miasmalungs.)

vii. to die clean and pretty. beau is born a dhampyr: the union of a vampyr and human, his path was cut out for him before his birth. raised by his father, with his mother dying during childbirth, he’s quickly sold to the highest bidder, married to hisao shi, who he’s never really eye to eye with. after hisao took control of his family and created club scorpion, beau found himself working against his husband’s efforts in the background, trying to save as many people as possible. (closed w/ miasmalungs.)

π€ππ“πŽπˆππ„ πŒπ€π˜ ππ€π”πƒπ„π‹π€πˆπ‘π„ β€” primary.
fandomless original character
(based on eberron lore)

i. basics.

name. antoine may baudelaire.
age. immortal appears as 29.
birthday. a child of aryth november 4th.
gender. genderfluid, they/she/he.
sexuality. pan.

ii. appearance.

eyes. amber.
skin. pale.
hair. light blonde.
height. 6'2"ft. / 190cm.
form. tall, skinny.
clothing. usually bundled up in several layers of fancy, oversized clothing.
details. a necklace with a blue crystal, adorned by golden strings, constantly around their neck. scars on their back from their flight from the feywild. a butterfly clip in their hair.

iii. personality/history.

fey cannot cross into the mortal world unless a bargain is madeβ€” antoine has known this for an eternity and more. once a member of thelanis, none of their companions truly understood antoine's need to wander. going from one court to the next, they never called any place their home.

much more interested in the shenanigans of the humans, antoine decides to take matters into their own hands and, one quiet night, steals an artifact from a powerful archfey in their court, making a run for it. with their newfound amulet, a blue crystal surrounded by golden strings, and the ability to travel to the material plane, antoine finds a home in the world of mortals.

a troublesome trickster, they spend their time snooping around mortal business, not only observing, but actively meddling as much as they can. antoine does not shy from using their powers on mortals for the fun of it, often manipulating people into going their way.

antoine's current obsession includes beau june baudelaire, a child they observed for quite some time before eventually shoving their way into his life. forging new memories for beau and his parents, antoine is now a big sibling to the human, acting as though they've been there all along.

antoine has no real grasp on how mortals work. as a fey, what they do never seems questionable to them, merely a way to pass the time, lack of boundaries and manipulative ways included. often, they think they're doing others a favour. mortals, to them, are like flowers, unique but short-livedβ€” antoine is eternal.

iv. powers/abilities.

polymorph. antoine can change their form at whim. most of the time they use this power to conform their body to whatever gender expression they're feeling that day.

true form. antoine's true form has been lost to time. they rarely ever get a chance to revert into their actual selfβ€” their butterfly wings still torn from their flight from the feywild, it's something that's more painful to them than anything else. small aspects that belong to their true form are: pointy fangs and ears, clawed fingers, their sclera turning back, their wings expanding, horns growing through their hair. their true name hasn't been spoken in aeons.

flight. antoine can fly! maybe. theoretically. they can hover, at the very least. once they get their wings all fixed up, though, they'll be flying in no time.

memory razor. antoine's biggest tool when it comes to messing with humans, this power allows them to gently erase or edit the memories of their victims.

teleportation. they can teleport short distances at a time, using the space between the planes, but using this power too much exhausts them.

v. verses.

i. hands that beckon me. antoine's main verse for when they act as beau's sibling, living in a modern world. they work as a fantasy author, all of their books including silly fey stories.

ii. to hear sounds of people. antoine's generic fantasy verse, taking place anytime after they left the feywild, now living among mortals. this can be a generic d&d verse or any other timeline.

iii. song of birthrights and love. antoine's fire emblem: fates verse. antoine, a secret manakete, is a songstress who was picked up by the opera in cyrkensia after years of living in homelessness alongside their brother beau. within the opera, they're addressed as 'seraph', a title they carry into their employment under corrin. when their life is threatened after the assassination attempt on king garon, they join corrin's army in hopes of building a better life for themselves and their brother.

iv. blood compels me. antoine's fire emblem: three houses verse. as a secret manakete, antoine was adopted alongside beau by the noble house baudelaire of the leicester alliance. while their brother beau concerns himself with living up to their name, antoine concerns themselves with making sure their brother doesn't tire himself out. usually found trailing behind him, they don't care to build relationships with the other students, often a bit reluctant and rude if confronted. they side with claude post-timeskip, alongside beau.

v. a keen weapon. antoine's fire emblem: awakening verse. adopted sometime after beau's birth, antoine is the future child of frederick, a secret manakete. the complete opposite of their brother, they don't care to be a knight, or even a soldier, rather finding their joy in dancing and singing. they had a closer relationship with their other parent over frederick, though loved their father nevertheless. when their parents died, beau took on the parental role, despite antoine being several hundred years older than him. unfamiliar with the concept of death, yet feeling the first real loss of their life, antoine is more than relieved upon arriving in the future, suddenly eager to build a relationship with their father.

π•πˆπ‘πˆπŽπ β€” secondary.
from fire emblem: awakening

i. basics.

name. virion.
nicknames. duke of rosanne.
age. 22 after the war with plegia, 24 when the war with valm starts.
birthday. 10th of the ethereal moon / 10th of december.
gender. trans man, he/him.
sexuality. bi.
class. sniper, a promoted archer.

ii. appearance.

eyes. baby blue.
skin. pale.
hair. baby blue, goes to his waist.
height. 5'6"ft. / 169cm.
form. slim.
clothing. a white poet shirt under an armoured blue vest. wears a cravat, brown gloves and boots. his left arm is protected by additional armour.
details. a quiver of arrows and a shield attached to his hip. built arms and shoulders.

iii. personality/history.

at first glance, virion is a character to be ridiculed: conceited, frivolous and flirtatious, virion is a meddlesome archer with plenty of self-esteem to go around. he spends a fair amount of time declaring his own successes and qualities, illustrating a flippant and careless personality.

however, behind the hopeless flirt remains a selfless noble with a heart of gold. as the former duke of rosanne, virion's everything are his people, and he's willing to give his all to protect them. when his lands were seized by walhart, his men were determined to keep fighting for him. he, in return, realizing that his people would die for his sake, fled the country to save their lives.

joining the sheperds in hopes of finding support in his quest against walhart, virion reveals his true colours to a select few. he loathes to think of his past failures as a leader, calling himself a coward and traitor to his homeland. the death of many of his people caused some sort of survivor's guilt to fester. clinging to his position as a noble, he does his best to remain honourable, often giving his skills and wealth to others when needed.

still, his flirtations and foolery often overshadow the man beneath. despite that, he tries to live up to his old title, ready to return to rosanne as soon as the war is done.

iv. verses.

i. a thing of beauty. virion's main verse, taking place during the war with valm. with his true identity revealed, he fights alongside the sheperds to return to his homeland once walhart is defeated.

ii. majestic heights. virion's verse for after the war. he returns to rosanne and, after valiant effort on his part, is taken back in by his people, resuming his place as the duke of rosanne.

iii. one for the bards. virion's fire emblem: three houses verse. an exchange student from the faraway rosanne, virion is taken in by the golden deer, a noble addition to the fray.

iv. die with magnificence. virion's fire emblem: heroes verse. as one of the first few summoned, he fights alongside his friends to defend askr.

π’πˆπƒπŽπ β€” secondary.
from the legend of zelda: breath of the wild

i. basics.

name. sidon.
nicknames. prince of the zora, the prince who slew the fell octoro.
age. around 130 years, a young adult zora.
birthday. 23rd of february.
gender. agender, he/him.
sexuality. gay.

ii. appearance.

eyes. bright yellow.
skin/scales. burgundy red scales that cover his entire backside, snow white scales covering his front.
height. 11'ft. / 335cm.
form. large and muscular humanoid with the features of a shark.
clothing. zora don't see any sense in clothing, thus sidon is only covered in his royal armour.
details. a blue cloth slung across his chest. a whistle around his neck, given to him by his late sister, along with a white cravat. bracelets and shoulder pads. a scar on his left fin.

iii. personality/history.

passionate, expressive and cheerful, sidon might not be the perfect picture of a prince. he tends to be quite loud and blunt, almost optimistic to a fault, making him seem oblivious at times. however, as king dorephan's only remaining child, he's next in line to inherit the throne, ruling the zora in place of his late sister.

what makes him an excellent leader is his open-mindedness, and his determination to help wherever he can. while not having inherited his father's supernatural strength or his sister's healing powers, he's quite athletic and a hard worker. keeping a close relationship to his people, sidon, like his sister before him, would lay down his life in order to protect them.

if met with conflict, he'll try to see the best in whatever circumstances he's thrown into. similarly, he harbors no ill will towards the other habitants of hyrule, always looking to make allies and, more importantly, friends. while his sister's death during the great calamity a hundred years ago still weighs on him, sidon's focus remains on his people, and the work that's to be done now that calamity ganon has been defeated.

iv. verses.

i. line without a hook. sidon's main verse, taking place after the events of breath of the wild. as future king of the zora, sidon tries his best to fulfill expectations, leading his people into a happier, peaceful time.

ii. poison in the water. sidon's verse for threads before or during the events of breath of the wild.

iii. buried in venice. sidon's modern verse. a trust fund kid currently studying at a hylian college from abroad.

𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐄 πŠπ€ππ† β€” secondary.
from cheritz's mystic messenger

i. basics.

name. jaehee kang.
nicknames. baehee.
age. 25.
birthday. december 28th.
gender. cis woman, she/her.
sexuality. lesbian.

ii. appearance.

eyes. hazel.
skin. pale.
hair. brown, goes to her chin.
height. 5'4"ft. / 165cm.
form. short and petite.
clothing. usually wearing different formal outfits. when at work, she wears a black dress under a white apron.
details. wavy hair. very soft features. sometimes, she still wears her glasses out of habit, despite not having a prescription.

iii. personality/history.

early into her life, jaehee faced a lot of different hardships. with the unexpected death of her parents she was taken into a family that didn't really want her. now being raised by her uncle and aunt, jaehee started placing her values onto her accomplishments in lifeβ€” she threw herself into her school work, a pattern she was bound to repeat once she entered the corporate world.

after graduating college a year early, jaehee started working at c&r international. seeing her potential, jumin han quickly hired her as chief secretary, which is a position she kept for two years. however, for lengths of that time, jaehee was miserable. her workload unnecessarily large and her assignments often pushing the boundaries between employee and employer, jaehee lost herself in the amount of it all. still convinced of her worth being defined by her work, she kept going, hoping that things would eventually even out.

they didn't, until the fundraising association she was a part of on jumin han's instructions welcomed a new member. at first sceptical, jaehee didn't know what to make of them. but, all of a sudden, this new person in their lives showed her kindness and support. asking about her wellbeing and caring about her health, jaehee didn't know what to do with all of this newfound affection.

starting out as a loner with no vision of her future, and barely experiencing happiness in her day to day life, jaehee develops into somebody who wants to chase her dreams. after being fired by jumin han she opens a dessert cafΓ©, ready to take her life into a different direction, growing as she goes. she knows she still has a lot to learn, but with her friends to rely on, she's ready to face new challenges.

(ππŽπ“π„: my jaehee is canon-divergent in that she opens her cafΓ© by herself, without mc as a co-worker. while this is the default for her everyday interactions, it can be changed in interactions with mcs.)

iv. verses.

i. stay soft. jaehee's main verse, working as an owner of a dessert cafΓ©. she's still part of rika's fundraising association, keeps in touch with her friends, but has embarked on a new journey.

ii. working for the knife. jaehee's verse that takes place during any of the routes in mystic messenger. she still works as jumin's assistant at c&r international, with no prospects of a different future.